---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: RISOTTO CON LA ZUCCA Categories: Pasta/rice, Italian Yield: 4 Servings Rice (Vialone) 200 g Milanese pumpkin; cleaned 100 g Butter Parmesan 1/2 Onion 1 Stock cube Salt Time required: 30 min ca. 1) Boil 1 litre water. 2) Fry the chopped onion in half the butter. 3) Pour in the rice and the cubed pumpkin; roast slightly then pour in the boiling water a bit at a time. 4) Half-way through the cooking, add the crumbled stock cube. 5) Add cheese and butter before serving. Notes: This recipe needs dry pumpkin (milanese pumpkin in Italian): I don't know what it's called in English, but it has a dark knobbly skin and a dark orange dry, firm flesh. Neapolitan pumpkin is too watery. Added: 26 March 1996 Source: Mom's recipe (adapted from _La Cucina Italiana_). Posted by Anna Mazzoldi -----