* Exported from MasterCook * Vegetable Risotto *SSS* Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Italian Side Dish Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 2 lg Leaves chard 1 Thick slice ham -- diced 1/2 Onion -- minced 1 Celery rib -- diced 1 Carrot -- diced 1/4 cup Butter 1 3/4 cup Rice Salt and pepper 3/4 cup Peas Cut green leaf part of chard into thin strips and then dice the white part. Heat butter in lg frying pan and fry onion, carrot, celery and green and white parts of chard for 2 mins. Add rice, peas, and ham to pan, stir well and cook until rice is transparent. Transfer to ovenproof dish and pour water over enough to equal 1 1/2 times the volume of the rice. Season with salt and pepper. Stir well Cover and bake 400, 18-20 mins. Variation: Spinach can be substituted for chard. Tip: A little garlic or bacon added to pan when frying onion will improve flavor further. Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -