MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Mushroom Fried Rice Categories: Savoury, Main dish, Rice Yield: Serves 4-6 1 Onion 1 cl Garlic 200 g Mushrooms 1 c Frozen Peas 3 tb Oil 1 ts Curry Powder 1 ts Ground Tumeric 1 ts Ground Cumin 4 c Rice, cooked 1 ts Salt Peel onion & chop roughly. Crush garlic, peel & chop. Wipe mushrooms & slice. Place peas in a bowl & cover with boiling water. Heat oil in a wok or frying pan. Add onion, garlic & mushrooms & toss for 1 minute. Add curry powder, tumeric & cumin. Toss to combine. Add cold rice & salt, tossing often until coloured & heated through. Drain peas & add to rice mixture. Cook for 4 minutes, often. Serves 4-6. Note: Add canned fish, leftover meat or hard-boiled eggs to this for a complete main meal. Source: NZ Woman's Weekly 3 August 1998 MMMMM