MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: AUTHENTIC FRIED RICE Categories: Asian, Hom Yield: 4 servings 2 oz Chinese barbecued pork 1/4 lb Fresh or frozen peas 2 tb Oil, preferably peanut 2 c Long-grain rice, steamed -and chilled 1 ts Salt 2 Eggs; beaten 4 oz Fresh bean sprouts MMMMM--------------------------GARNISH------------------------------- 2 tb Finely chopped scallions CUT THE PORK INTO FINE DICE. Blanch the peas in a saucepan of boiling water for about 5 minutes if they are fresh or 2 minutes if they are frozen. Drain them in a colander. Heat a wok or large skillet until it is hot. Then add the oil and wait until it is almost smoking. Add the cooked rice and stir-fry it for 1 minute, and then add the barbecued pork, peas and salt. Continue to stir-fry the mixture for 5 minutes over high heat. Next add the beaten eggs and bean sprouts and continue to stir-fry for 2 minutes or until the eggs have set. Turn the mixture onto a plate and garnish it with the scallions. Serve at once, or let it cool and serve as a cold rice salad. KEN HOM PRODIGY GUEST CHEFS COOKBOOK MMMMM