MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Charity Event Grilled Pineapple Rice Categories: Rice, Fruits, Herbs, Citrus Yield: 4 Servings 2 c Prepared jasmine rice 1 c Fresh pineapple; - chopped, grilled 1/2 c Green onions; - chopped, grilled 1/4 c Cilantro; rough chopped 1/4 c Pineapple juice 1 Lime; zest and juice of Salt Prepare rice according to packaging instructions. Grill the green onions, turning frequently for about 2-3 minutes until there are dark brown grill marks. Grill the pineapple on each side until there are dark brown grill marks. Small dice the pineapple and green onion, and rough chop the cilantro. Add the diced pineapple, green onion, cilantro, lime zest, lime juice, and pineapple juice to the rice and stir until combined. Add salt to taste. RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM