---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Pork Fried Rice Categories: Main dish Yield: 4 servings 1 1/2 tb Vegetable oil; divided 2 Eggs; beaten 1 c Diced fully cooked ham -OR- raw boneless pork 1 c Finely chopped mushrooms -- (fresh) 1/2 c Thinly sliced green onions -- including tops 3 c Cooked brown rice; cooled 1 tb Soy sauce In large skillet or wok, heat 1/2 tablespoon oil over medium heat. Add eggs and cook without stirring until set. Invert skillet over baking sheet to remove cooked eggs; cut into 1-1/2 x 1/2-inch strips. In same skillet, heat remaining oil over medium-high heat. Stir-fry ham, mushrooms, and green onions in oil three minutes, or until mushrooms and onions are tender. Stir in cooked rice and egg strips; sprinkle with soy sauce. Toss lightly; heat thoroughly. Each serving provides: * 278 calories * 14.1 g. protein * 10.4 g. fat * 31.3 g. carbohydrate * 719 mg. sodium * 156 mg. cholesterol NOTE: Optional ingredients are omitted from the nutritional calculations. When ingredient options appear in a recipe, the first ingredient choice is used for calculation. Source: Brown Rice Reprinted with permission from The USA Rice Council Electronic format courtesy of Karen Mintzias -----