---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Tex-Mex Beans 'n' Rice Categories: Low, Fat Yield: 1 servings 1 md Onion, chopped 1 Green bell pepper, chopped 1 Red bell pepper, chopped, 1 sm Can green chiles, chopped 1 cn Black beans 1 cn Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) Cumin Cayenne "Saute" the onion in a little water, until it has browned slightly (I tend to brown it, then add the water to un-stick it from the bottom of the pan). Add in the peppers, one type at a time; heat through. Drain the beans, reserving a little of the liquid (not a lot -- it's pretty salty), rinse the beans and add them to the pot. Add in some of the bean liquid and some water, until it's somewhat soupy. Heat thoroughly. Before it's done, add cumin and cayenne to taste (we like LOTS of cumin, and a touch of cayenne for a bit of byte). While this was all cooking, you should also have a pot of rice on to cook. Serve the resulting bean concoction over the rice. From: Faith Senie -----