---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: WILD RICE AMADINE Categories: Brisket, Beef, Meats, Vegetables Yield: 8 servings 2 tb Slivered almonds 1 1/2 tb Chopped Green Pepper 1 tb Chopped Onion 1 tb Chopped Chives 1/3 c Margarine 2 2/3 c Hot Water 1 ts Instant Beef Bouillon 4 1/2 oz (2 Pks) 5-minute Wild Rice Cook almonds, green pepper, onion and chives in melted margarine in heavy 2-quart frying-pan, until almonds begin to brown. (Do not over brown.) Add hot water and instant bouillon, stirring to combine. Add rice, bring to a boil and cook slowly, uncovered 10 minutes. Cover and let stand 5 minutes. Drain any excess liquid from rice. -----