* Exported from MasterCook * Alaska Salmon & Avocado Pasta Salad Recipe By : Dallas Morning News - Food section - 26 July 1995 Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Avocados Fish - Salmon Pasta Peppers Salads - Main Dish Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 6 oz Dry pasta 14 4/4 oz Can Alaska salmon (14 3/4 oz) 2 tb French dressing 1 Red bell pepper -- thinly sliced 3 tb Cilantro or parsley -- chopped 1 Lime -- juice and grated rind of 1 tb Tomato paste 1/2 c Sour cream Paprika -- to taste 1 bn Green onion -- thinly sliced 2 tb Light mayonnaise 3 Ripe avocados -- diced Lettuce leaves -- to serve on Cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain and toss with the French dressing. Allow to cool. Drain and flake the salmon. Add to the pasta with the green onions, sliced bell pepper and cilantro. Whisk together the lime juice and grated rind, the mayonnaise, sour cream and tomato paste until thoroughly combined. Toss the pasta salad with the dressing. Season to taste with salt and pepper; cover and chill. Before serving, gently toss the avocados into the salad. Spoon the salad onto a bed of lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with paprika for garnish. Posted on MC list by bobbi744@sojourn.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -