---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Macaroni Supper Salad Categories: Pasta, Salads, Appetizers, Meat Yield: 6 Servings 1 8 oz. pkg. small shell -macaroni 2 c Diced cooked ham or luncheon -meat 1/2 c Coarsely grated raw carrot 1/4 c Chopped green pepper 1/4 c Chopped onion 1 ts Salt 1 c Mayonnaise or salad dressing 1 8 oz. can Hunt's Tomato -Sauce Cook, drain and rinse macaroni according to package directions. Mix with ham, carrots, onion, green pepper and salt in large bowl. Blend mayonnaise and Hunt's Sauce in small bowl. Pour over salad ingredients; toss lightly to mix. Chill thoroughly. Serve on crisp salad greens. Makes 6 servings. Typed in MMFormat by cjhartlin@msn.com Source: Best Recipes. -----