MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Potluck Antipasto Pasta Salad Categories: Pasta, Beans, Cheese, Beef, Herbs Yield: 18 servings 16 oz Box penne pasta 15 oz Can garbanzo beans; rinsed, - drained 1 md Red or green bell pepper; - julienned 2 Plum tomatoes; halved - lengthwise, sliced 1 bn Green onions; sliced 4 oz Monterey Jack cheese; - julienned 4 oz Mozzarella cheese; - julienned 4 oz Brick or provolone cheese; - julienned 4 oz Hard salami; thin sliced, - julienned 3 oz Pepperoni; thin sliced, 2 1/4 oz Can sliced ripe olives; - drained 2 tb Minced chives MMMMM---------------------BASIL VINAIGRETTE-------------------------- 2/3 c Oil 1/3 c Red wine vinegar 3 tb Fresh basil; minced -OR- 1 tb Dried basil 1 cl Garlic; minced 1/4 ts Salt Cook pasta according to package directions; rinse with cold water and drain. In a large bowl, combine the pasta, beans, vegetables, cheeses, meats, olives and chives. In a small bowl, whisk the vinaigrette ingredients. Pour over salad; toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate. Toss before serving. Recipe by Bernadette Nelson, Arcadia, California RECIPE FROM: Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives MMMMM