* Exported from MasterCook * A DIETER'S DREAM SHRIMP SALAD Recipe By : Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 6 oz Shrimp -- cooked 16 oz Green beans 1 Garlic 1 tb Salad oil 1/4 ts Mustard powder 1/2 ts Sugar 1/4 c Vinegar 2 ea Chicken bouillon cube 2/3 c Rice -- cooked 1 c Celery -- sliced 1/2 c Onions -- sweet, sliced 2 c Lettuce -- shredded Soy sauce (optional) Clove Rinse shrimp and cook. Chill can of green beans. Drain and save liquid. Slice thinly the garlic clove and crush in large bowl. Add oil, mustard, sugar, vinegar, shrimp and beans. Refrigerate. Heat bean liquid. Add bouillon cubes and stir until dissolved. Add enough water to make 2 cups. Add rice. Bring to a boil and cook rapidly, uncovered, about 8 minutes or until rice stands above the water line. Reduce heat to lowest point, cover and steam for 12 to 14 minutes. Spread rice in a shallow pan to cool. Refrigerate for 10 minutes or until needed at serving time. Add rice to shrimp and bean mixture. Toss together with celery, onion and lettuce. Serve with soy sauce. Recipe By : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -