---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: ARTICHOKE RICE SALAD WITH DRESSING Categories: Salads Yield: 4 servings ---------------------------SALAD--------------------------- 2 Jars (6 oz) marinated Artichoke bottoms 1 Bottle (4 oz) stuffed Green olives 5 Green onions 1/2 Green pepper, sliced 1 pk Rice pilaf mix OR Chicken rice mix -------------------------DRESSING------------------------- 1/3 c Mayonnaise 1/2 ts Curry powder 2 Jars marinade from Artichoke bottoms Cook rice according to package directions; let cool. Drain artichoke bottoms, reserving liquid. Drain olives; discard their liquid. Chop artichoke bottoms, olives, onions, and pepper. Add to cooled rice and mix. Make the dressing by combining marinade from artichokes with other dressing ingredients. Toss with rice salad. Refrigerate 1 hour. Serve when ready. -----