MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Raw Vegetable Salad Categories: Salads Yield: 1 Salad MMMMM---------------------------SALAD-------------------------------- Carrots Red & green peppers Celery Red & green cabbage Cauliflower Broccoli Zucchini & summer squash Beets; (peeled) Cucumber Fresh green beans Spinach or chard Radishes Scallions Mung bean sprouts Raw peas Snow peas MMMMM--------------------------TOPPINGS------------------------------- Mushrooms; (optional) Tomatoes; (optional) Alfalfa sprouts; (optional) Toasted nuts; seeds, or even -oats, (optional) MMMMM--------------------------DRESSING------------------------------- 1 c Cider or wine vinegar 1 3/4 c Combined olive and vegetable -oils 1 cl Garlic; crushed 1/2 ts Salt; (or more to taste) Black pepper 1 ts Basil 1/2 ts Oregano or marjoram 1 pn Celery seed Fresh parsley; finely -chopped 1 Lemon; juice of 1 Orange; juice of 1/2 c Tahini; yogurt, or -mayonnaise, (optional) Avocado; (optional) Cucumber; (optional) Zucchini; (optional) Spinach; (optional) Fresh dill; (optional) Fresh thyme; (optional) Dry mustard; (optional) Use any combination of salad ingredients and feel free to include other vegetables. Dice salad ingredients into 1/2" chunks. Puree dressing ingredients in a blender. Top salad with dressing and your choice of toppings. Toast nuts, seeds, or oats in the oven. Recipe by Moosewood Cookbook MMMMM