---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Beets in a Mustard Ring Categories: Salads, Appetizers, Vegetables, Easy Yield: 8 Servings 4 Eggs 1/4 c White vinegar 1/4 c Sugar 1 tb Dry mustard 1/2 ts Salt 1 3 oz. pkg. Royal Lemon -Gelatin 3/4 c Boiling water 1 c Heavy cream, whipped Small whole pickled beets Break eggs in top of double boiler and beat until foamy. Add vinegar, sugar, dry mustard and salt; blend well. Dissolve Royal Lemon Gelatin in boiling water, add to egg mixture and cook over simmering water, stirring frequently, until mixture is of custard consistency. Pour into a 5 cup ring mold and chill until firm. To serve, unmold and fill center with pickled beets. Makes 8 - 10 servings. Typed in MMFormat by cjhartlin@msn.com Source: Best Recipes -----