---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: STRING BEAN SALAD WITH DOUBLE SESAME DRESSING Categories: Salads Yield: 6 servings 1 tb Unhulled sesame seeds 1 1/2 lb Green beans 3 tb Red wine vinegar 3 tb Light soy sauce 2 tb Spicy mustard sauce (mustard -sauce from a Chinese -restaurant works fine) 2 ts Sugar 3 tb Oriental sesame oil 1 ts Minced garlic 1/4 c Finely chopped scallions -white and green parts 1/2 c Finely chopped red sweet -peppers and yellow -Holland peppers Place wok or nonstick pan over high heat for about 1 minute, or until it smokes. Add the sesame seeds. Turn the heat to low, and dry cook for 3-5 minutes, or until brown. Empty onto a flat plate. Steam the string beans 3-5 minutes, or until they have softened but still have some crunch. Remove and plunge them into a bowl of ice-cold water. Drain, dry, remove stems ends and place in large bowl. To make dressing, mix the vinegar, soy sauce, mustard sauce, sugar and sesame oil. When thick, add the garlic, scallions, and red and yellow peppers. Add to string beans and mix well. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds. -----