MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Rice Stuffed Cabbage Leaves Categories: Stuffed, Vegetables Yield: 3 Servings 12 Cabbage leaves 12 Fresh mushrooms; sliced 2 c Celery; chopped 1/2 Onion; sliced 1 tb Parsley; chopped 1 ts Sage Garlic powder; to taste Tamari soy sauce; to taste 1 c Cheese; grated; (optional) In a large pot, parboil head of cabbage until leaves may be carefully removed, one at a time. They should be somewhat flexible. In a small skillet, saute mushrooms. Put rice in large mixing bowl and add mushrooms. Add celery, parsley, sage, and garlic powder to taste. Season with soy sauce. Fill lower end of each leaf with stuffing and sprinkle grated cheese over the top of the rice mixture. Roll leaf once. Fold sides of leaf toward the center. Continue rolling to the end. Tie with string or secure with a toothpick to prevent cabbage from unrolling. Lay leaves side by side in baking dish. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees F. MMMMM