MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Stuffed Mushrooms Duxelles Categories: Mushrooms, Breads, Cheese, Herbs, Vegetables Yield: 24 Stuffies 20 oz (2 pkg) Baby Bella Mushrooms 2 tb Butter; divided 1 tb Minced, peeled shallots 1 ts Minced garlic 1 ts Olive oil 1 tb Fine chopped fresh parsley 2 tb Unseasoned bread crumbs; - divided 5 tb Finely shredded extra sharp - Cheddar; divided 1 ts Fine chopped fresh tarragon Salt & pepper Set broiler to HIGH. Select 24 large mushrooms; wipe clean with paper towel. (Reserve remaining mushrooms for other use.) Remove stems and finely chop them. Set aside. Melt 1 Tbsp butter in saucepan on MEDIUM-HIGH. Add shallots and garlic; cook about 1 min. Add chopped stems; cook, stirring, about 5 min or until most of the moisture has cooked off. Remove mixture from pan; set aside. Wipe out pan with paper towel. Add remaining Tbsp butter and olive oil to same pan; heat about 1 min until bubbly. Add mushroom caps in single layer and cook, gently stirring, 3-4 min. Transfer to baking sheet, gill side down, to drain off extra moisture. MAKE STUFFING: Combine parsley, 1 Tbsp bread crumbs, 2 Tbsp cheese, tarragon, salt and pepper to taste with mushroom mixture. Turn caps over; mound with stuffing. Sprinkle with remaining 3 Tbsp cheese and 1 Tbsp of bread crumbs. Broil about 3 min or until cheese is melted and golden brown. From: Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen MMMMM