---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Turnips Au Gratin Categories: Vegetables, Ethnic Yield: 4 servings 18 oz Turnips 2 Pieces Leek 2 oz Candian Bacon 8 oz Whipcream 2 Eggs 2 1/8 oz Cheese, grated Salt, Pepper to taste 1/2 ts Caraway Seeds Parsley to garnish 1. Peel, wash and quarter the turnips. Cut the quarters in very thin slices. 2. Wash and clean leeks and slice, diagional, in slices. 3. Cut the bacon in slices. 4. Take a quiche form, about 25 cm in diameter, and grease it. 5. Layer the turnips, leeks and the bacon into it. 6. Mix together the cream,eggs, cheese, salt and pepper. 7. Pour over the vegetables, sprinkle the caraway seeds overall. 8. Bake in 200 degree Celsius oven for 1 1/4 hours. 9. Shortly before end of cooking time cover with waxpaper. 10.Garnish with the parsley. From a german magazine translated by Brigitte Sealing -----