Date: Sun, 09 Jan 94 15:16:19 EST From: Jane Segelken Adapted from a recipe I found a while back in Vegetarian Times. It was yummy! Served with an acorn squash and some sliced fresh vegetables. And, it was good the next day for lunch, too. ** Stuffed Cabbage ** 2 cups cooks wild rice (I used a mixture, actaully, of black japonica, brown and a long grain white) 1 cup diced onion 4 cloved of garlic -- thinly sliced raisins apple cider (for sauteing) one small head cabbage tangy tomato sauce (recipe below) In apple cider, saute onion and garlic until onion is soft. Add rice, raisins and some more cider. Heat gently for a few minutes to let flavors meld. Take cabbage and core and plunge into hot water for a few (5?) minutes to loosen leaves. Peel off a dozen or so leaves. Put a layer of sauce in the bottom of the pan. Roll the cabbage leaves around the rice mixture by putting a tablespoon or so of the mixture i the middle of the cabbage leaf, fold up the sides and roll. Put the rolled cabbage on the sauce; layer as needed by putting sauce on top of the cabbage, adding more rolls, end with sauce. Cover and bake 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Tangy Tomato Sauce 1 28-oz can crushed tomato 1 cup diced onion 4 or more cloves minced garlic 1 tbs. apple cider 1 tbs. lemon juice Saute onion and garlic. Add crushed tomato. Simmer 5 minutes. Add apple cider and lemon juice. Simmer 5 more minutes. It's done.