---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: % Stuffed Tomatoes Categories: Veggies, Favorites, Stuft vegs, Vegetarian Yield: 1 guess at 4 ----------------MEALS WITHOUT MEAT, TV FOOD---------------- 4 lg Firm tomatoes -------------------------STUFFING------------------------- 1 1/2 c Sour dough breadcrumbs 1/4 c Shallots, minced 1 T Garlic, minced 1/4 c Fresh basil, minced 1/4 c Feta cheese 1/4 c Olive oil 1/4 c Parmesan Cut tomatoes in 1/2; scoop out pulp (reserve for another dish or mince into stuffing.). Place upside down to drain. Stuffing: Combine all except Parmesan. Spoon into tomatoes; place in baking dish. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake 375 F until golden brown. No baking time given. S: TV Food Network Oh, this is delicious! I made this for the girls and I and we loved it-- ate 2 halves each. It baked pretty quickly, but I didn't time it-- try 10 mins or so but don't let the tomatoes get any more than warmed. The flavor changes too much and isn't pleasant. -----