---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Bread Stuffing Categories: Poultry, holiday Yield: 6 servings 4 c Dry bread cubes 1 ts Salt 1/8 ts Pepper 1/8 ts Ginger 1/4 ts Poultry seasoning 1 ts Parsley; chopped 2 tb Fat; melted 1 Egg 1 sm Onion; chopped fine Method #1: Soak bread in cold water & squeeze dry. Add seasoning & fat. Mix thoroughly, add the egg, slightly beaten, & the onion. Method #2: Soak bread in cold water & squeeze dry. Heat fat in a skillet, add the bread, stir until fat is absorbed. Season to taste, add slightly beaten egg & onion. Cool before filling bird. I've tried it both ways - both GREAT! You'll need to double this for a turkey. Recipe by The Settlement Cookbook. -----