---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SLOW-COOKER SAGE DRESSING Categories: Crockpot, Holiday, Prodigy, Dec. Yield: 8 servings Penny Schenck NFSM70B x Non stick spray 7 c Dry bread cubes or unseasond -croutons 1 c Freshly chopped onion 1 c Chopped celery 3 c Apple; chopped, unpeeled 1/4 c Fresh parsley, minced 1 ts Salt 1/4 ts Paprika 1/2 ts Rubbed sage 1/2 ts Dried thyme 1 c To 1/12 stock Spray walls of slow-cooker. Combine remaining ingredients and pour into slow cooker. Cover and cook on high setting for one hour, stir well; cook on low 2-3 hours. 116 cal per serving. D/L from Prodigy 12-8-94. Recipe collection of Sue Smith. 1.80 -----