---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Aunt Bunny's Stuffing Categories: Fruits, Poultry, Holiday Yield: 999 servings 1 Apple; peel & dice 1 Orange; peel & dice 1 lg Can crushed pineapple 1/2 Lemon; juice of 1 cn Waterchesnuts; sliced 3 tb Preserved ginger 2 ts Dry mustard 1/4 c Parsley; chopped 4 cl Garlic; minced 1/2 ts Corriander 1 tb Poultry seasoning 4 lg Onions; diced 2 ts Carraway seeds 2 ts Poppy seeds 2 1/2 ts Oregano 1 Bay leaf 3 ts Celery seed 1 ts Pepper 1/2 ts Mace 1/4 ts Cloves 1/2 ts Majoram 1/2 ts Savory 6 Celery ribs; diced Salt; to taste 3 lg Bags stuffing crumbs 1 lb Pork sausage; bulk 1/4 c Butter Take first 6 and mix together in Bowl #1. Take crumbs, sausage (yes raw) and butter mix together in Bowl #3. Mix the rest together in Bowl #2. Blend Bowl #1 with Bowl #2. Mix in Bowl #3. Stuff turkey. Best when used with Bacon-Studded Turkey and Green Pepper Gravy. -----