---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CRACKER DRESSING WITH SAUSAGE AND SMOKED OYST Categories: Bohemian, Poultry, Side dish Yield: 1 servings 1 lb Pork sausage 1 lb Saltine crackers 3 c Chicken stock; hot 1 c Onion; chopped 1 c Celery; chopped 2 tb Butter 4 ts Sage; rubbed 2 ts Thyme (leaves) 1 tb Parsley 1/2 ts White pepper 2 cn Smoked oysters; drained Recipe by: Randy Pollak Cook sausage in a medium frying pan, chopping and stirring with a wooden spoon to crumble. Remove sausage reserving about 2 tablespoons of fat. Add butter heat until melted, then add onions and celery. Saute until onions are soft and translucent. In a very large mixing bowl, add crackers and crush into small pieces. Add all remaining ingredients except for chicken stock. Mix until thoroughly combined. Add chicken stock and stir until well moistened. Use as a stuffing for poultry or transfer to a baking dish and bake at 350-degrees for about 1 hour or until done. -----