---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: NOVA SCOTIA POTATO DRESSING Categories: Vegetables Yield: 9 servings 6 c Potato, chop small cubes 1 1/2 c Bread crumbs (2 pc toast) 1/2 ts Pepper 1/2 ts Salt 2 ts Poultry seasoning OR 1 ts sage to taste 1/2 c Margarine melted OR Part cooking liquid,less fat 1/2 c Onion, to taste Cook potatoes about 20 min or until soft enough to mash. Place onions in a large microwave safe bowl and cook 1 minute on high or until margarine is melted. Stir frequently. Place about 1/3 of the cooked potatoes at a time on top of the margarine/onion and mash. Add seasoning by sprinkling part at a time while mashing. Blend well. Taste and adjust seasoning if desired. Divide into meal-sized portions, extra may be frozen. Reheat in microwave or oven and serve very hot. Source: Rodier family recipe card. This dressing has been served with every family turkey dinner for about 6 generations, and has become a favorite freezer item ready to serve with any plain meat. Shared by Elizabeth Rodier Aug 93, revised Oct 93. Have not tried a lower fat version, but half turkey fat and half de-fatted drippings would likely work. Turkey broth is used in a diabetic bread dressing and no-fat gravy. -----