---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SAGE DRESSING FOR CHICKEN Categories: Poultry, Low-cal Yield: 6 servings 2 c Unseasoned dry bread cubes 1/2 c Chopped onion 1/2 c Chopped fresh parsley 1 tb Rubbed dried sage 1 ea Egg( egg substitute) 1/2 c Low sodium chicken broth 1 ea Roasting chicken (3-4lb) Optional In a large bowl, combine bread cubes, onion, parsley, sage and the egg. Add enough broth until stuffing is moistened and holds together. Stuff loosely into chicken. Fasten with skewers to close. Place breast side up on a shallow rack in a roasting pan. Bake,uncovered, at 375 degrees F for 1 3/4 to 2 1/4 hours or until juices run clear. Baste several times with pan juices. DIABETIC EXCHANGE: One serving (with skin removed after baking) equals 4 lean meat, 2 starch, 1 vegetable; also 359 calories, 128mg sodium, 85mg cholesterol, 26gm carbohydrate, 42gm protein, 8gm fat. -----