---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Crisp Asparagus In Oyster Sauce Categories: Vegetables, Appetizers Yield: 4 servings 6 c Chicken broth, clear or -2 chicken bullion cubes -disolved in 6 c water 2 tb Oil 1 lb Asparagus; break off tough -ends 2 tb Rendered chicken/duck fat 2 ts Sesame seed oil -------------------------SAUCE MIXTURE (MIX IN BOWL------------------------- 3 1/2 tb Oyster-flavored sauce 1 tb Water 1 tb Pale dry sherry Bring chicken broth to a rapid boil. Add oil and asparagus. Cook in broth for about 2 minutes. Turn off heat. Let asparagus remain in the broth while you prepare the sauce. Heat chicken or duck fat in a small saucepan. Stir in sauce mixture and cook over low heat until it foams. Add sesame seed oil. Turn off heat. Drain asparagus and arrange on a serving platter. Pour sauce over asparagus. Serve hot. NOTE: Asparagus may be cut into 1 1/2" to 2" lengths. -----