---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Asparagus Cashew Stir-Fry Categories: Vegetables Yield: 4 servings 4 c Hot cooked Brown Rice -----------------------------------SAUCE----------------------------------- 3 tb Soy sauce 1 ts (pref toasted) Sesame Oil 2 tb Cornstarch 1/4 ts Dry crushed red pepper 1 1/2 c Water or vegetable stock 1 ds White pepper 1 tb Minced Gingerroot ----------------------------------ND STEP---------------------------------- 2 tb Safflower oil 1 x Sm sweet red pepper, chopped 1 lb Fresh Asparagus * 1 x Clove Garlic, minced 4 x Scallions, chopped 1 c Cashews ** * woody parts of stems removed, tender part cut into 3" lengths (3 cups) ** dry-roasted and unsalted, or raw slivered almonds GARNISH: mandarin orange sections and toasted sesame seeds, optional Cook or reheat brown rice. In small bowl, combine soy sauce and cornstarch. Stir in remaining sauce ingredients; set aside. In a wok or large skillet, heat oil. Stir-fry asparagus, scallions, pepper, and garlic until vegetables are crisp/tender. Stir sauce mixture; pour it over the vegetables and stir until it is thickened and bubbly. Reduce heat; fold in cashews. Cover and cook 1 minute, until cashews are heated through. Serves 4-6. VARIATIONS: - 3-4 c broccoli florets may be substituted for asparagus; or -----