---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: BARBECUED CONFETTI VEGETABLES Categories: Bar-b-q, Harned 1994, Herb/spice, Side dish, Vegetables Yield: 4 servings 8 To 10 cherry tomatoes -- halved 1 1/2 c Corn cut from cob 1 Sweet red pepper; julienned 1/2 md Green pepper; julienned 1 sm Onion; sliced 1 tb Fresh basil leaves; chopped 1/4 ts Grated lemon rind Salt and pepper; to taste 1 tb + 1 tsp. unsalted butter or -margarine; cut in pieces Combine all ingredients except butter in a large bowl; toss gently to mix well. Divide vegetable mixture in half. Place each half in center of a 12 x 12" piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Dot vegetables with butter. Bring corners of foil together to form a pyramid; twist to seal. Grill foil packets over medium hot coals for 15 to 20 minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Serve immediately. From _Delicious Decisions_ by The Junior League/San Diego, CA in _America's Best Recipes: A 1989 Hometown Collection_. Birmingham, AL: Oxmoor House, Inc., 1989. Pg. 320. ISBN 0-8487-0765-6. Electronic format by Cathy Harned. -----