BRIAMI ====== 5-6 large zuccini, cut in 1 in. cubes 3-4 medium potatoes, cut in similar cubes 2 eggplants (the purple, zuccini look-alike) cut in cubes 1 can stewed tomatoes 3-4 cloves garlic crushed 1 onion , cut in large chunks a couple of bay-leaves 1/2 cup oil (preferably olive, but anny kind will do) a dash of nutmeg, thyme salt and pepper arrange (really throw in!) all the ingredients in your baking pan, and give them a good mix (another name for this dish is TOURLOU, i.e. mix-mix) and bake for about 1 hour at a medium heat oven keep adding a touch of water to keep the stuff from frying allow to cool before eating- serve with a generous amount of oil and juices and with some bread to clean up the plate!