* Exported from MasterCook * CAULIFLOWER WITH POTATOES. Recipe By : Serving Size : 6 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1/2 lb Potatoes 1 lb Cauliflower florets 5 tb Vegetable oil1 1 t Whole cumin seeds 1 t Ground cumin 1/2 ts Coriander seeds,ground 1/4 ts Tumeric,ground 1/4 ts Cayenne pepper 1/2 x A fresh green chili -chopped finely 1/2 ts Roasted cumin seeds -ground 1 t Salt Pepper to taste Directions: Boil the potatoes in their jackets and allow them to cool completely. (Day old cooked potatoes that have been refrigerated work very well.) Peel the potatoes and cut them into 3/4 inch dice. Break up the cauliflower into chunky florets about 1 1/2 inches acress at the head and about 1 1/2 inches long. Soak the florets in a bowl of water for 30 minutes. Drain. Heat the oil an a large (preferably non-stick) frying pan over a medium flame When hot, put in the whole cumin seeds. Let the seeds sizzle for 3-4 seconds Now put in the cauliflower and stir it about for 2 minutes. Let the cauli- flower brown in spots. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer for about 4-6 minutes or until cualiflower is almost done but still has a hint of crispness to it. Put in the diced potatoes, ground cumin, coriander, turmeric,cayenne, green chili,ground roast cumin, salt, and some black pepper. Stir gently to mix. Continue to cook uncovered on low heat for another 3 minutes or until pot- atoes are heated through. Stir gently as you do so. This delicious recipe is by Madhur Jaffrey from her BBC book and series "Indian Cookery".She refers to it as a "comfort food". It is extremely addic- tive, and you always wish you had made more! Reheats well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -