MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Ginger Basted Pineapple and Pepper Skewers Categories: Vegetables, Ceideburg 2 Yield: 4 servings No Ingredients Found 1 large ripe pineapple, peeled and cut into good-sized chunks 1 green pepper, seeded, cut into big chunks 1 red pepper, seeded, cut into big chunks 8 small pieces preserved sugared ginger, chopped 1/4 cup melted butter Pinch red pepper flakes This is adapted from Linda West Eckherdt's "Barbecue: In-doors and Out" (Lowell House/Contemporary Books). Thread pineapple and peppers onto either metal or soaked bamboo skewers. Combine ginger with butter and red pepper flakes, then brush onto kebabs. Grill over a not-too-hot fire until lightly browned, turning frequently, basting once or twice; 7 to 10 minutes will be more than enough cooking time. Serves 4 to 6. PER SERVING: 125 calories, 1 g protein, 18 g carbohydrate, 6 g fat (4 g saturated), 15 mg cholesterol, 50 mg sodium, 2 g fiber. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; October 31 1992. MMMMM