MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Classic Green Bean Bake Categories: Vegetables, Ceideburg 2 Yield: 6 servings 10 1/2 oz Campbell's Cream of -Mushroom Soup 1/2 c Milk 1 ts Soy sauce ds Pepper 2 Packages (9 oz. each) -frozen cut green beans, -cooked and drained 1 cn (2.8-oz.) French fried -onions In a 1 1/2-quart casserole, combine soup, milk, soy sauce and pepper. Add beans and 1/2 can of the onions. CONVENTIONAL OVEN: Bake at 350F for 25 minutes or until hot and bubbling; stir. Top with remaining onions. Bake for 5 minutes more. MICROWAVE OVEN: Cover with lid; microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes or until hot and bubbling, stirring halfway through heating. Top with remaining onions. Microwave, uncovered, for 1 minute more. Makes 6 servings. Recipe may be doubled. EVERYDAY EASY BROCCOLI BAKE: Substitute 1 cup (10 1/4-oz.) Campbell's Cream of Broccoli Soup for Cream of Mushroom Soup and substitute 1 package (20-oz.) frozen broccoli cuts, cooked and drained for green beans. Posted by Stephen Ceideberg; October 14 1992. MMMMM