---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: % Nicoise Green Beans Categories: Veggies, Favorites, Vegetarian Yield: 4 ? guessed ---------------LINDA MCCARTNEY HOME COOKING--------------- 2 T Olive oil 1 md Onion, chpd 2 Ribs celery, chpd 1 lb Green beans 16 oz Cn tomatoes, chpd 4 T Vegetable stock 1 Bay leaf 1/2 c Parsley, chpd Salt and pepper Serve with rice, mashed potatoes, or potato pancakes. Prep: 35 mins Heat oil in frying pan; gently saute onions and celery until lightly browned. Boil or steam beans until tender, 10 mins; drain and set aside. Add tomatoes, stock, bay leaf and parsley to saute. Stir well;p simmer 20 mins uncovered. Season to taste. Add beans to sauce and stir well. Bring back to simmer and cook 2 mins. Good source of vitamin A and C. This was really delicious. Cut olive oil to 1t. I drained the tomatoes and used about 5T of the juice in place of 4T vegetable stock. -----