---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.03 Title: GREEN BEANS VINAIGRETTE Categories: Vegetables Yield: 4 servings 1 lb FRESH GREEN BEANS, TRIMMED 1/2 ea LEMON JUICE, SQUEEZED 2 ts MEAUX (POMMERY) MUSTARD 3 tb OLIVE OIL Drop the beans into a saucepan of rapidly boiling water, let the water return to a boil, and simmer the beans for 5 minutes or until they are cooked but still have some bite. Drain them, rinse them with cold water until they're no longer warm, and pile them into a colander; set them aside. In a bowl, whisk together the lemon, salt and pepper to taste, and mustard and, when the mixture is smooth, add the oil a little at a time. Arrange the beans in a shallow dish and pour the dressing over them. Serve at once. This recipe goes best with my Rack of Lamb DGP. -----