---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: SWEET & SOUR GREEN BEANS Categories: Vegetables Yield: 4 servings 3 sl Bacon 1 cn Water chestnuts, sliced 2 ts Cornstarch 1/4 ts Salt 1 tb Brn. sugar, packed 1 sm Onion, sliced 1 lb Can,French style green beans 1/4 ts Dry mustard 1 tb Vinegar 3 tb Chopped pimento In a skillet, fry bacon until crisp. Remove, drain and crumble. Add onion and chestnuts to bacon drippings and saute until onion is golden, stirring frequently. Drain beans, reserving 1/2 c. liquid. Combine bean liquid, cornstarch, salt, mustasrd, brown sugar, vinegar. Add to skillet. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Add green beans and pimento, heat through. Serve garnished with crumbled bacon. Courtesy Telephone Pioneers : BillSpalding *P CRBR 38 A -----