---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: NOODLES WITH WATER CHESTNUTS Categories: Side dish/p, Vegetables, Hanford Yield: 1 servings 1 pk Noodles, medium size -(6-oz) 1 cn Condensed cream of celery -soup (10-1/2 oz) 1/4 c Milk 3/4 ts Salt 1/4 ts Pepper 1 cn Water chestnuts (5-oz), -sliced 1/4 c Slivered almonds Prepare noodles according to package directions. Drain. Combine noodles, soup, milk, salt, pepper, and water chestnuts; blend well. Pour into a greased 1-1/2 quart casserole. Sprinkle top with slivered almonds. Bake, uncovered, in a 375 degree F. oven with the meat loaf for 25 to 30 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Source: Florence P. Hanford's Television Kitchen Meals, 1964. Shared by: June Hoffman, 9/93 Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.50 -----