---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Greens And Garlic Categories: Yield: 1 servings 1/2 lb Greens such as beet -- Turnip, mustard, Broccoli di Rabe or Dandelions Olive oil 1 Clove garlic -- sliced (1 to 2 ) Salt and dried red pepper Flakes If you are using very young tender beet greens or mustard greens, stem them, chop the leaves, then saute in 2 tablespoons olive oil with a clove of garlic until wilted; season to taste. If the greens you are using are tougher, blanch them for 4 minutes or until tender, then drain well and chop. Only then saute in garlic and olive oil until heated through; season to taste. Yield: 2 servings Recipe By : COOKING MONDAY TO FRIDAY SHOW #MF6748 From: Gail Shermeyer <4paws@netrax.Net>date: Thu, 31 Oct 1996 17:47:07 -0500 -----