MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Farmer's Market Mixed Grill Tasting Menu Categories: Grill, Vegetables, Lemon. Eggs Yield: 4 Servings 4 Ears corn; with husk 1 tb Sugar Sea salt Freshly ground pepper Butter flavor cooking spray 4 lg Portobello mushroom caps Olive oil spray 2 Heads fresh garlic; top - 1/4" cut off 2 lg Fennel bulbs; halved, rubbed - with lemon juice 3 tb Top fennel fronds reserved 4 sm Italian eggplants; halved - lengthwise 6 Very thick scallions; trimmed -OR- 4 Thin young leeks; trimmed 2/3 c Extra virgin olive oil 2 1/2 ts Italian seasoning blend 4 Extra large eggs in the - shell, room temperature Crushed hot red pepper Soak corn with sugar and a tablespoon of salt dissolved in water to cover, for about one hour. Pull back husks, remove as much silk as possible, spray kernels with butter flavor cooking spray, close up husks. Spray portobellos generously on both sides with olive oil spray. Sprinkle with salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper. Dry-marinate 30 minutes. Spray grill grate, a wide grill spatula and long tongs with no-stick spray. Prepare a medium-hot direct fire for a gas or charcoal grill. Spray garlic bulbs with olive oil spray; wrap in double layer of foil. Grill 30 minutes, or until very soft. Grill corn, turning occasionally, 20 minutes. When cool enough to handle, remove husks. Spray fennel and eggplant on all sides with olive oil spray. Brush spring onions with extra virgin olive oil. Sprinkle cut sides of eggplant and fennel with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste. Grill fennel cut side down until grid marked, turn using spatula and grill 4-5 minutes longer, and 8-10 minutes total. Repeat with eggplant halves. Grill spring onions 5-6 minutes until slightly charred, turning with long tongs. Grill portobellos gill side down 5 minutes, turn and grill 5 minutes longer, until tender and juicy. Place eggs on cooler section of grill, in a vegetable grill basket if available. Cook 20 minutes, turning over twice. Cool in a bowl of ice water, peel and halve. Arrange vegetables and eggs on a warmed platter. Garnish with reserved fennel fronds. Squeeze garlic pulp from skins. Place 2 tablespoons in a spouted measuring cup or small pitcher. Add 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of crushed peppers, stir to combine. Serve at table for drizzling. Serving suggestion: Follow with an assortment of excellent cheeses and fruit. A Grilling Hall of Fame recipe From: Nibble.Com MMMMM