---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Grilled Vegetable Kebabs Categories: Vegetables, On the gril Yield: 6 servings 12 mushrooms 2 green bell peppers 1 red bell pepper 1 pt cherry tomatoes 2 onions -- * see note 1 eggplant 3 zucchinis 1/2 c olive oil 1/2 c lemon juice : salt -- to taste : black pepper -- to taste * Use a sweet onion such as Vidalia, Imperial Sweet or use an onion such as Bermuda. 1. Prepare vegetables. Clean mushrooms and remove stems, seed peppers and cut into bite-sized chunks, peel onions and cut into chunks, remove stems from cherry tomatoes, slice zucchini into thick slices, cut eggplant into chunks. 2. Use 6 metal skewers about 6-8 inches long. Thread vegetables onto skewers, alternating according to color for a nice presentation. 3. Brush with a marinade of the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Grill 4 inches from hot coals, turning and basting frequently. Cook for about 12-15 minutes. Recipe By : Jo Anne Merrill -----