---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.x [from Now You're Cooking!] Title: Zucchini and Tomatoes Parmesan Categories: DDB Yield: 1 1 sm zucchini 2 tb chicken broth 2 md tomatoes 1 tb seasoned bread crumbs 1 tb Parmesan; grated 1/4 ts basil Preheat oven to 425F. Trim zucchini with self-sharpening knife and cut into 3/8-to-1/2 inch thick slices with Vario-slicer. Arrange in the DDB. Season with salt and pepper and brush with chicken broth. Bake 12 minutes, or until almost tender. Remove from oven but leave oven on. Place a slice of tomato on each zucchini slice. Combine bread crumbs with cheese and basil in Batter Bowl. Return to oven and bake 5-6 minutes, until crumbs are lightly browned. Note: Can be done in one step, but squash may not be soft when done. Great for a show, if they are the Zucchini type. Posted by Sarah Gruenwald. -----