MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Collard Greens the New Way Categories: Vegetables, Chilies Yield: 10 Servings 1/2 Bushel Collard greens Approximately 5 pounds 1/2 c Vinegar 1/2 c Sugar 2 Hot peppers 1/4 c Onion powder 1/4 c Garlic powder 2 tb Black pepper Salt; to taste Take greens off stems, tear into small pieces. Wash very well, drain and rinse again. Place all ingredients in a very large pot, cover with water and cook on low for an hour. Salt to taste. Recipe by: Chef Terrie Mangrum of The Hog Pit in New York City. Source: Recipe for Health Show Posted by: Gail Shermeyer MMMMM