MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Brussels Sprouts With Sherry And Butter Categories: Vegetables Yield: 2 Servings 8 oz Brussels sprouts (small) 2 tb Beef stock 2 ts Butter 4 tb Dry sherry This is different from my usual method, which is to stir-fry the vegetables in butter and then deglaze; this way has about 1/4 the fat and 3/4 the flavor. Trim the sprouts. If they are bigger than large marble size, halve them. Microwave them 1 minute in beef stock. Heat butter in a pan; when it sizzles, toss in the sprouts. Toss and cook 1 minute; add stock from the previous cooking and then the sherry. Cook down to a glaze. Serve hot. Recipe by Michael Loo, as cooked at Joell & Larry's, Feb '02 MMMMM