MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Mustard and Turnip Greens Categories: Southern, Vegetables Yield: 1 Big pot 2 Or 3 bunches of turnip and Mustard greens 1 Large onion, chopped 1 1/2 lb Salt pork or bacon Salt and pepper to taste; stem and pick greens; wash several times; put greens in large pot; add 1 cup water. Add salt pork, onion and seasoning if desired. Cook slowly until meat and greens are tender. Serve greens with hot buttered cornbread. Just for the information, the liquid in the greens is the famous "Pot Likker". With the family folk the cornbread is usually dunked therein. Recipe handed down by: Delia Weathers, Gallatin, Tennessee 1976 Indiana Black Bicentennial Committee. 200 Years of Black Cookery Indianapolis, IN Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 12 APR 1996 MMMMM