---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Harvest Vegetable Curry Categories: Vegetables Yield: 6 servings 2 ea Carrots, sliced 2 tb Gingerroot, minced 2 c Squash, cubed, peeled 1 ts Cumin 2 c Broccoli Florets 3 ea Garlic Cloves, minced 1 ea Sweet Red Pepper 1/4 ts Hot Pepper Flakes 1 ea Yellow Zucchini, wedged 1/4 c Chicken Stock 1 ea Red Onion, wedged 2 tb Lemon Juice 1 c Cooked Chickpeas 3 c Brown Rice, cooked 1 tb Olive Oil 2 tb Coriander, fresh, chopped 1 tb Curry Powder * Parsley can be used instead of coriander, couscous or bulgur can be used instead of brown rice, vegetable stock or water can be used instead of chicken stock. The hot pepper flakes are optional. Steam carrots and squash for 5 minutes. Add broccoli, red pepper, zucchini and red onion and steam for 5 minutes. Add chickpeas, steam for 3 - 5 minut or until all vegetables are tender-crisp. Meanwhile in a small saucepan, heat oil over medium heat and cook curry powder, gingerroot, cumin, garlic and hot pepper flakes (if you're using them), stirring often, for 2 minutes. Add stock and lemon juice and simmer, uncovered for 2 minutes. Toss vegetables with sauce. Serve over hot rice or couscous. Sprinkle with coriander or parsley. Serves 6. From The Gazette, 91/03/06. -----