MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Thai Cucumber Categories: D/g, Thai, Cucumber, Boat Yield: 2 servings MMMMM---------------------------SALAD-------------------------------- 1 md Cucumber; firm; peeled 2 tb Vinegar, white 2 tb Sugar 1 ts Salt 1/4 ts White pepper 1/2 sm Onion 1 Red chile pepper MMMMM--------------------------GARNISH------------------------------- 1/2 c Peanuts, dry roasted Slice cucumber paper thin. In a deep bowl stir the vinegar, sugar, salt and white pepper until well blended. Peel onion, slice into lengthwise paper thin slices. Same with seeded red chile pepper. Add the remaining ingredients, except the peanuts, and toss with the marinade. Serve at once or cover and chill NO LONGER than 2 hours. Top with the peanuts (whole or chopped) just before serving. Makes 1 cup (Using recipe for 2 servings) If regular salted peanuts are used, omit salt in marinate. Adapted from "The Frugal Gourmet on our Immigrant Ancestors" by Jeff Smith. == Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp, Columbia Md. === MMMMM