* Exported from MasterCook * SOYBEAN CURD (TOFU) Recipe By : Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00 Categories : Vegetables Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method -------- ------------ -------------------------------- 1 3/4 lb Soybeans 1 1/2 tb Calcium sulphate 1. Rinse the soybeans in plenty of water. Put them in a large glass jar and pour on enough water to cover them well. Soak beans for at least 12 hours. 2. Wash them again in plenty of water. 3. Make the soybeans into a soft paste with 2 quarts of water in food processor or large blender. 4. Strain the paste through a piece of damp muslin folded double. Wring out all the liquid from it. 5. Bring the liquid very slowly to the boil. Stir well and boil gently for 10 min. (Then what happens to this liquid???) 6. Dissolve calcium sulphate in 3/4 c cold water and strain it through a piece of damp muslin. 7. Add calcium sulphate to soybean mixture. Stir well then pour into a large mold which has been lined with a piece of wet muslin. 8. When the soybean curd (tofu) begins to set, cover the surface with a piece of wet muslin. 9. After 10 min put a suitable board or plate on top and place a weight of not more than 11 lb on the board. 10. Leave the curd to set for no more than 40 min, then cut the soybean curd (tofu) into pieces and wrap in foil. 11. Store in a large jar with enough cold water to cover and chill. Source: A Taste of the Orient ed. Alison Granger IBSN 0-356-14719-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -