---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: EASTER COATED PRETZILS Categories: Holiday, Candies, Kids, Chocolate Yield: 1 Servings -----------------------------JONI CLOUD SSMW41A----------------------------- 2 lb White or colored coating -or chocolate 1 pk Small prestzils I like to use up the left over colors from making Easter candy and coat pretzil for the very little ones. They love the different colored pretzils, And especially the chocolate ones, so do the grown ups. Again just melt your coatings,chocolate or white, or color the white. Melt in small bowls in pan of water, just warm never hot. Dip the pretzils in and lift with a fork, shaking off excest coating. and lay on wax paper cooky sheet, that will fit in your freezer. You really don't have to use the freezer. they will set up setting out, but look bvetter and set up faster in Frig or freezer. Good Luck and Enjoy from Joni in S.Jersey. Jenilee and Scott loove to coat animal crackers when they were little, I still do .yummmm. -----