MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Cute Little Critters (Aka Mice) Categories: Halloween, Odd, Candy Yield: 1 Batch 1 Jar maraschino cherries with -stems 1 pk Chocolate chips 1 cn Peanuts 1 pk Hershey Kisses; foiled Red cake decorating gel Melt chocolate chips over low heat, stirring constantly. Hold single cherry by the stem and dip into hot chocolate. Lay on wax paper and while still warm, place flat side of an unwrapped Hershey Kiss against opposite side of cherry stem. Then place 2 peanut halves behind Hershey Kiss to form ears. On Hershey Kiss, dot 2 eyes and a nose at the tip with decorating gel. Allow chocolate to set before picking up mice. Chocolate may have to be rewarmed to make for a smooth consistency. If you really want to gross out family and friends, place these adorable critters around a cheese platter. Or even better, hold one by the tail and slowly lower it into your mouth. They taste like the chocolate covered cherries you buy in the box. Recipe by Denise Ostwinkle via MMMMM